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Read the below passage carefully and answer the questions:

There is a group of friends – Ramesh, Suresh, Ritesh, Paresh, Mitesh, Mangesh, Dinesh studying in the same class. Each one of them speak a different language- English, Marathi, Hindi, Gujarati, Bengali, Tamil and Malyalam. Each of them secured different marks in the examination. Ritesh who scored second highest marks speaks neither English nor Guajarati. Mitesh who secured the least marks neither speaks neither Tamil nor Marathi. Paresh who speaks Hindi, secured more marks than Dinesh and Suresh. Suresh speaks Bengali. Ramesh secured more marks than Paresh. Suresh’s marks are more than Mitesh but less than Dinesh. Ramesh speaks Malyalam and has not scored the highest marks. The one who speaks Gujarati has secured the highest marks. Ritesh does not speak Marathi.

01. In which language does Dinesh speak?
A. Marathi  B. Hindi 
C. English  D. Tamil 
E. None of these

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Answer: Marathi 

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02. In which language does Mitesh speak?
A. English  B. Hindi 
C. Marathi  D. Bengali 
E. Tamil

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Answer: English 

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03. Who secured third lowest marks?
A. Ramesh  B. Dinesh 
C. Paresh  D. Cannot be determined 
E. None of these

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Answer: Dinesh 

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04. Who speaks Gujarati?
A. Mitesh  B. Ritesh 
C. Paresh  D. Mangesh 
E. None of these

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Answer: Mangesh 

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05. When all the students are arranged according to their marks in descending order, what will be the position of Ramesh from the top?
A. Fifth  B. Sixth 
C. Fourth  D. None of these 
E. Data inadequate 

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Answer: None of these 

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